DNV Announces CO2Qualstore CCS Guideline

DNV and the energy industry, with contributions from government agencies, have developed a comprehensive guideline for safe and sustainable geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2). The unified procedural framework is intended for global use, supporting both industry and regulators, and should speed up the large-scale deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS). Deployment of CCS has been hampered by a lack of tailored regulatory frameworks and established industry practices.

This was the key motivation for developing the CO2Qualstore guideline for selection, characterisation and qualification of sites and projects for geological storage of CO2. The guideline provides a comprehensive and systematic process that covers the full lifecycle of a CO2 storage project, from screening and site selection to closure and transfer of responsibility from the operator back to the national state, taking into account the unique characteristics of each potential site.

The aim is to accelerate the implementation of CCS by providing a common, predictable and transparent basis for decision-making between project developers, operators and regulators. Project developers will benefit from a procedural framework to select and manage sites, delivering consistency and efficient based on best engineering practice and technology. Regulators can use the guideline to verify that sites have been selected and assessed as suitable for geological storage of CO2, following a standardised and globally recognised procedure.

Verified implementation of CCS projects in compliance with this guideline should also help provide assurance to the general public that a storage site is selected based on a recognised process, will be safely and responsibly managed according to recommended practices for sustainable CO2 storage, and is in compliance with regulations, codes and standards. Jorg Aarnes, project manager at DNV, said: 'The lack of tailored regulatory frameworks for CO2 geological storage has threatened to delay large-scale adoption of CCS.

'In addition to providing increased predictability for operators, the guideline will help governments to implement internationally harmonised regulatory frameworks for geological storage of CO2. 'We therefore believe the CO2Qualstore guideline is a breakthrough moment for CCS and should provide a step-change in the pace of CCS deployment,' he added. Aarnes said: 'While CCS alone will not solve the climate change challenge, it is a necessary part of the global mitigation strategy. 'The world's energy demand cannot be met in the short term without continued use of fossil fuels.

'CCS is the only mature technology that may provide a significant reduction of CO2 emissions from combustion of fossil fuels, and is therefore a key bridging technology to a renewable energy future,' he added. Engineering, oil and gas companies and government bodies were brought together by DNV to develop the CO2Qualstore guideline 18 months ago. The procedural framework that was developed mirrors best practices within the oil and gas industry, reflects existing and emerging regulations, standards and directives relevant for geological storage of CO2, and draws on learning from research and development and pilot CCS projects around the world. With the world of CCS developing rapidly, the CO2Qualstore guideline will be updated periodically to keep pace of changes.


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