Azoteq Introduces a High Sensitivity Capacitive Proximity and Touch Sensor for Cell Phones and Tablets
Azoteq, the world leader in proximity and touch solutions, today announced the release to market of the IQS128. The IQS128 features the unique Azoteq approach that offers both capacitive proximity and touch sensing in the same device using a single antenna. The IQS128 is a cost effective replacement for mechanical switches and optical proximity sensors, offering electrical isolation, unlimited operation and omnidirectional proximity sensing. “The next advance in touch technology is the addition of proximity technology which requires a sensor 100 times more sensitive than existing solutions and Azoteq is first to introduce a single chip solution”, said Dr. Frederick Bruwer, CEO and President of Azoteq. “The IQS128 is the first device to offer a solution to meet FCC SAR (specific absorption rate) requirements for cell phones and tablets to reduce RF power when the device is in close contact to a human” said Kobus Marneweck, VP of Marketing. “The ProxSenseTM family now has over 20 produ...