When selecting the proper fuse for short circuit protection in motor starting applications, it is important to not only ensure that the fuse will not nuisance open during motor start up times, but also that the fuse will coordinate as required with overload relays. When sizing fuses between 125% and 150% of the motor nameplate current, several advantages, including ease of coordination with an overload device, a smaller disconnect, and increased short circuit protection from a lower fuse rating, can be achieved. However, if sizing at this level prevents the motor from starting, it may then be necessary to increase the fuse ampere rating and it then becomes important to know the NEC sizing limitations. As of June 1, 2016, the US Department of Energy has mandated that newly manufactured electric motors will need to meet NEMA Premium® efficiency standards. As motor efficiencies increase, motor locked rotor currents can also be expected to increase. In addition to this, with across-the-lin