Shorting Kits Now Available for Current Transformer Terminal Blocks
Optional shorting kits are now available for Phoenix Contact’s popular RBO 5/RSC 5 modular feed-through terminals. The Carrier 35-13 Kit and Carrier F-13 Kit provide short-circuit capability for current transformer (CT) applications using the terminal blocks. The Carrier 35-13 kit is for DIN rail-mounted terminals, and the Carrier F-13 Kit is for panel-mounted terminals. The kits include four shorting screws, one bridging bar, four isolators and one carrier to hold the four screws when not in use. A CT will develop a very high voltage across its secondary winding if the secondary circuit is open while current is flowing in the primary winding. This can damage the CT and cause electric shock. By using the RSC or RBO shorting terminals with a Carrier Kit, the operator can safely short the CT secondary to perform maintenance without switching off the primary system. The RSC/RBO family is designed to replace traditional barrier blocks. With current ratings of 600 volts and either 30 or 4...