Trix Organizer Features Upgraded Component Module

Trix Systems has upgraded the component management module for its Trix Organizer engineering document management software. The Trix Organizer module now displays both documents and equipment records in a common interface. Users can find answers to requests such as 'Show me all the equipment purchased under this AFE' and 'Show me all the drawings and documents associated with this equipment'.

They can also start with specific drawings to make requests such as 'Show me all the pieces of equipment that require this drawing'. The Trix Organizer's primary function is to enable end users to directly find the drawings and other documents they need, without having to ask for help. At the same time, the system controls edits and releases.

It prevents accidental duplications and ensures that only one editor can make changes to a file at any time. All documents are stored inside a single, centralised Microsoft SQL Server database. Files are stored inside the actual database - not on drives - for security and to facilitate backup. Clients can be Windows or web based. In addition to regular networks, deployment using Citrix or Terminal Services is supported.


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