Semaphore Videos Explain Scada RTU Solutions

Semaphore, a CSE company, has enhanced its website and introduced a Scada training video series dedicated to Scada RTU solutions. The website details the Semaphore offering of complete integration of T-Box and Kingfisher Scada system, control and communications products. The video series - featuring Jean Burton, technical support manager at Semaphore, as Dr T-Box - provides tips and insights on making the most of Scada products.

Visitors to the site will find quick product links on the home page, which make finding information easy, and a Where to Buy section connects them with their country's distributor for T-Box or Kingfisher products. A button on the homepage takes them to the first four Dr T-Box videos, in which Burton shows users how they can quickly and easily configure such functions as alarm management, SMS text messaging and webpage HMI creation, while also explaining the distinguishing features and benefits of Semaphore's T-Box RTU product line.

The free videos emphasise the latest product releases and cover all aspects of Semaphore T-Box and Kingfisher Scada system product lines. T-Box and Kingfisher RTU products are said to be ideal for a range of monitoring and control applications in the broadcast/telecom, infrastructure management, oil and gas, power, transportation and water/wastewater industries.


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