Nafems Conference Addresses CAE Technologies

Nafems North America will be hosting its 2010 Virtual Conference on 8-9 September, 2010. The meeting will bring together leading developers and practitioners of CAE-related technologies and business processes to share relevant trends and roadmaps, explore common themes and address these issues in an open forum. The goal is said to be to provide attendees with the best 'food for thought and action' to deploy CAE over the next several years.

The Nafems NA 2010 Virtual Conference will include keynote speakers, exhibits and breakout sessions exploring the following subjects: business developments to increase the financial impact of CAE investments; development and deployment of CAE roadmaps; management, and executive awareness and understanding to make CAE deployment decisions with enduring positive impact; integration of SDM with PLM; broadening the scope of industries and applications that benefit from advanced engineering analysis and simulation; the roles of CAE software and hardware developers; technical developments to improve speed, accuracy, reliability, accessibility and applicability of results; High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems for CAE; capturing the relevant physics to gain engineering insight through multifunctional and multiphysics simulation; material characterisation, including multiscale material models and data management; understanding and coping with model limitations; the impact of nanotechnologies on CAE requirements such as multifunctional 'designer' nano-materials; timely insight from flourishing data: visualisation, animation and immersive virtual reality; driving design improvement and optimisation from smart simulations; real-time virtual simulations; design uncertainty quantifications and non-deterministic optimisation; innovative approximation methods and evolutionary optimisation; human issues; intelligent engineering collaboration environments; teaching simulation as part of the basic engineering curricula; evolving engineering processes and organisations to leverage CAE advances; certification of engineers to help ensure safe and effective use of CAE; and training and education aligned with a 2020 vision.


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