MPTK Pumps Solve Wood Recycler's Dust Problem

Tough MPTK Chopper Pumps from Landia are playing a key role in the success of R Plevin and Sons' waste-wood recycling business at Retford in Nottinghamshire. The Landia MPTKs pump recycled rainwater from R Plevin and Sons' holding reservoir (capacity 1.5m litres), to water cannons, which damp down wood stored on a 2.5 acre concrete pad. This process eliminates any potential dust problems and is particularly important in dry and windy weather.

'Landia chopper pumps have to deal with a significant element of wood waste, dust and wood chips, but have proved very capable and reliable,' said Jamie Plevin, managing director of R Plevin and Sons. The innovative knife system of the Landia MPTK Chopper Pump ensures that solids cannot get into the pump and clog it up, so there is no downtime for end-users. R Plevin and Sons opened a new wood-recycling facility in 2005, which has the capacity to reprocess almost 100,000 tonnes of waste wood per year.

The plant manufactures a variety of recycled wood products, including animal bedding and woodchip for use in the panel board, horticultural and biomass industries. The site also has capacity to be used as a green-waste composting facility.


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