Meterlink Wirelessly Connects Meters To Cameras
For example, during infrared inspection of electrics, users can transmit key readings such as current or voltage from a Meterlink-enabled Extech clamp-meter directly to the Flir infrared camera. This makes it possible to establish a relationship between heat and load. Similarly in the building environment, when moisture is identified on a Flir infrared image, an exact reading can be taken by the Extech multi-function moisture meter and psychrometer.
Its readings are then transmitted to the Flir B-Series camera and recorded on the image, along with other readings such as relative humidity and ambient temperature. Higher sensitivity ratings have been introduced for several cameras in the Flir compact and mid-range, as well as features that complement the Meterlink technology. For example, users can now easily collate images and findings into a fully formatted PDF report that can be given to a client, on-site, via a USB memory stick.
There is no need for a PC, USB cable, internet or email. For those inspecting high-voltage installations, a new auto-correction feature automatically compensates for any anomalies resulting from the use of safety devices such as viewing ports or IR windows. Flir has also used Bluetooth technology to provide wireless headset connection to a Flir camera for easier recording of voice comments associated with its inspection.