Data And Report Capture Systems For Food Companies

Loma Systems is now offering an accurate and flexible data capture system and an Ethernet report capture system for food manufacturers. In order to comply with hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP), weights and measures and other quality-control regimes, it is essential for food manufacturers to maintain full and accurate records of the inspection process and to access this information simply and quickly. Loma Systems' OPC and Lomaenet systems are designed to help quality managers in the food industry to use their inspection equipment as a management tool as well as for process control.

The company offers efficient production optimisation through the development of the OPC data capture system for versatile, fully featured production reports. The system can be integrated into existing Loma equipment and readily accessed from a central computer network, making the data immediately available when required or requested. The Ethernet-based OPC system benefits companies with multiple checkweighers, metal detectors and x-ray systems as it amalgamates weight, overfill data and contaminant detection performance reports, presenting them centrally in a format that can be easily presented and understood, according to Loma.

The OPC management tool supports comprehensive data analysis and enables integration into existing Scada systems, allowing remote product change. It also gives a detailed overview of performance by presenting data from a particular batch or shift in a range of formats. By gathering information that previously stayed on the production line, it eliminates the need for 'number-crunching' data from multiple systems. The OPC can be installed on any of the company's current range of systems. Using an OPC platform, the information can be pasted into Microsoft Word, Crystal Reports or Excel documents, facilitating the sharing of information for non-networked personnel. The Lomaenet report capture system delivers product data to networks and can connect to existing or new Loma equipment onto an Ethernet network.

Lomaenet eliminates data entry for HACCP and weight compliance. All data collected can be saved to a USB storage device, allowing data to be compiled into production reports. As Ethernet becomes the standard for networking and lines become more automated, user-configurable systems such as OPC become essential for HACCP, according to the company. Products can be set remotely and equipment changed to suit new production runs without the need for operator intervention on the line. With customised screens, the user can define the type of information best suited to the process.


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