Biodigester Recycles Food Waste At Moto Station

Moto, a UK specialist in motorway service areas, has reduced the food waste sent to landfill at its Exeter location thanks to the installation of an accelerated aerobic Biodigester from Bionova. The Biodigester processes food waste in just 72 hours, turning it into a nutrient and energy-rich material that can be used as a biofuel for a biomass boiler.

Sara Davies, area general manager, said: 'At Moto, we sort and separate cans, glass, plastics, detergent and chemicals, so, in addition to our compactor [for cardboard], it was a natural progression to also look at the most effective way we could reduce sending food waste to landfill. 'The cost savings with Bionova are significant and there is the added benefit of having our food waste recycled on site.

'Introducing a biomass boiler and then utilising the material from the digester for heating and hot water is also an option,' she added. Odour free and at GBP6 per tonne, Bionova's Biodigester is capable of treating 1,000 litres and upwards (no limit) of organic waste per week and is fully compliant with landfill and animal by-products regulations relating to organic and process food waste.


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