PicoScope 6407 High–Speed USB Digitizer

  • 4 channels
  • 1 GHz bandwidth
  • 1 GS buffer size
  • 5 GS/s real–time sampling
  • Built-in function generator/AWG
  • USB–connected
The PicoScope 6407 Digitizer is a compact USB plug–in device that turns your PC or laptop into a 4–channel, high–speed digitizer. With a PicoScope 6407 you can easily digitize a 1 GHz  sine wave with a timing resolution of 200 ps.

Your PicoScope 6407 digitizer has a memory depth of one billion samples. Other digitizers have high maximum sampling rates, but without the deep memory of the PicoScope 6407 they can’t sustain these rates on long timebases. Your PicoScope 6407 can sample at 5 GS/s  at timebases all the way down to 20 ms/div, giving a total acquisition time of 200 ms. If that’s not enough, the driver supports streaming mode for capturing unlimited gap–free data directly to your PC’s RAM or hard disk at over 10 MS/s. The large buffer enables the use of segmented memory. Each captured waveform segment is stored in the buffer so you can rewind and review thousands of previous waveforms. No longer will you see a glitch on the screen only for it to vanish before you stop the scope.

As well as the standard range of triggers found on all oscilloscopes, your PicoScope 6407 offers a comprehensive set of advanced triggers including pulse width, windowed and dropout triggers to help you capture the data you need.


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