MOSFET Transistors Are Guaranteed From -55 To 225C
Cissoid has introduced Venus, its range of high-temperature 30V P-channel power MOSFET transistors that is said to be guaranteed for operation from -55 to 225C. The CHT-PMOS3002, CHT-PMOS3004 and CHT-PMOS3008 are rated respectively for 2, 4 and 8A maximum drain current. They complement the company's range of Saturn range of N-channel MOSFETs. At 225C, CHT-PMOS3002's gate-leakage current remains below 50nA, while its drain-off current is as low as 10uA and its turn-on delay time is 30ns.
On resistance and input capacitance of the line ranges respectively from 0.4 to 1.7ohms and from 150 to 450pF. The Venus range enables the design of any system requiring reliable power control in a harsh environment from -55 to 225C, from motor drivers, DC-DC converters and SMPs to inverters. P-Channel transistors make the design and control of high-side switches easier, avoiding bootstrap or charge-pump techniques. With Venus products, system designers can improve cost, reliability and weight while banning fluid cooling from their application.
On resistance and input capacitance of the line ranges respectively from 0.4 to 1.7ohms and from 150 to 450pF. The Venus range enables the design of any system requiring reliable power control in a harsh environment from -55 to 225C, from motor drivers, DC-DC converters and SMPs to inverters. P-Channel transistors make the design and control of high-side switches easier, avoiding bootstrap or charge-pump techniques. With Venus products, system designers can improve cost, reliability and weight while banning fluid cooling from their application.