ISPE Launches Electronic Document Initiative

ISPE has launched its electronic document delivery initiative with its first three technical documents. The company will release one to three technical documents per month in this new format throughout 2010. Sterile manufacturing facilities baseline guide, ISPE good practice guide: heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), and ISPE good practice guide: maintenance are available for sale as individual PDF downloads from the ISPE website.

Professionals who are familiar with ISPE's indispensable industry technical resources can download these guides, cut and paste, search, print and include TOC bookmarks and links in the PDF file. Each document is customised with individual watermarks, identifying the user who downloaded the document. The next five documents slated for electronic download will be GAMP 5, oral solid dosage forms baseline guide, 2nd edition, GAMP good practice guide: a risk-based approach to operation of gxp computerised systems, GAMP good practice guide: manufacturing execution systems (MES,) and GAMP good practice guide: validation of process control systems (VPCS).

In addition to the release of the GAMP good practice guide: manufacturing execution systems (MES), registrants for the associated MES session at 2010 ISPE Washington Conference (7-10 June) will receive a free copy of the MES Guide.


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