Heller Machining Centre Has Cast-Iron Construction
The Ideal Boiler Company has purchased an MC 25 pallet-pool Machining Centre from Heller Machine Tools. The machine has an inherently rigid cast-iron construction, providing the user with high power and lasting precision. The machine's robust T-shaped bed has integrated X and Z feed drives, while the axis configuration allows a constant work-area volume throughout the Z-axis positioning range.
Manufactured from high-quality SG cast iron, the MC 25's thermo-symmetrically designed gantry column is claimed to be of optimum design in terms of weight, providing superior machine dynamics. The MC 25 has X-, Y- and Z-axis guideways designed and equipped with pre-loaded rolling elements, providing low friction and rigidity while removing system backlash. The machine's feed drives and path-measurement system features direct drives, designed to provide the highest levels of dynamics, plus thermo-symmetrically mounted absolute measuring scales for direct path measurements.
A fixed 360 x 1deg rotary table is provided as standard, or alternatively the machine can be supplied with a 360,000 x 0.001deg NC rotary table. Through the use of fixed indexing pins the MC 25 has high pallet-changing accuracy. The machine's manually rotated, 4 x 90deg indexing setting station is clearly arranged and easily accessible, while an automatically rotated setting station is available as an option. Minimising tool change cycle times, a universal rack-type magazine with a capacity of up to 405 tools is available as an option, together with a tool-quantity/tool-life management system.
The MC 25 has a mesh-type filter as standard, negating the need for a disposable filter fleece. Coolant delivery options including multiple pressure steps of up to 70 bar for internal, through the spindle coolant supply. The complete coolant unit can be installed directly behind the machine, or centrally connected for automatic operation. Efficient swarf disposal is achieved via steep chutes in the machine bed.
Through the use of its pallet pool, Heller's MC 25 is suitable for use in a flexible manufacturing cell. The machine is said to deliver leading system solutions for productivity, including its ability to load independently of the machining cycle. Its four-position rotary pallet pool, with a total of six pallets in the system, is easily accessible via the operator doors. An extended range of additional Heller developments further enhances the MC 25's flexibility and functionality. Heller's reconditioning process ensures that each reconditioned machine's geometrics are restored to an 'as new' condition and all other aspects of the machine are also thoroughly overhauled.
Manufactured from high-quality SG cast iron, the MC 25's thermo-symmetrically designed gantry column is claimed to be of optimum design in terms of weight, providing superior machine dynamics. The MC 25 has X-, Y- and Z-axis guideways designed and equipped with pre-loaded rolling elements, providing low friction and rigidity while removing system backlash. The machine's feed drives and path-measurement system features direct drives, designed to provide the highest levels of dynamics, plus thermo-symmetrically mounted absolute measuring scales for direct path measurements.
A fixed 360 x 1deg rotary table is provided as standard, or alternatively the machine can be supplied with a 360,000 x 0.001deg NC rotary table. Through the use of fixed indexing pins the MC 25 has high pallet-changing accuracy. The machine's manually rotated, 4 x 90deg indexing setting station is clearly arranged and easily accessible, while an automatically rotated setting station is available as an option. Minimising tool change cycle times, a universal rack-type magazine with a capacity of up to 405 tools is available as an option, together with a tool-quantity/tool-life management system.
The MC 25 has a mesh-type filter as standard, negating the need for a disposable filter fleece. Coolant delivery options including multiple pressure steps of up to 70 bar for internal, through the spindle coolant supply. The complete coolant unit can be installed directly behind the machine, or centrally connected for automatic operation. Efficient swarf disposal is achieved via steep chutes in the machine bed.
Through the use of its pallet pool, Heller's MC 25 is suitable for use in a flexible manufacturing cell. The machine is said to deliver leading system solutions for productivity, including its ability to load independently of the machining cycle. Its four-position rotary pallet pool, with a total of six pallets in the system, is easily accessible via the operator doors. An extended range of additional Heller developments further enhances the MC 25's flexibility and functionality. Heller's reconditioning process ensures that each reconditioned machine's geometrics are restored to an 'as new' condition and all other aspects of the machine are also thoroughly overhauled.