IPC’s Micro-90® Successful in Cleaning Filter Membranes for Wastewater Treatment Operations

The care and cleaning of filter membranes is essential to the success of any water treatment or manufacturing operation. International Products Corporation’s Micro-90® is used to clean industrial filter membranes. One of IPC’s customers treats industrial wastewater generated by the engine plant of a major automotive manufacturer. At this facility, up to 168,000 gallons of wastewater are treated per day using an ultra filtration membrane system.

Their initial two-step process used caustic and acid materials. For the past 9 years, the company has used Micro-90® Concentrated Cleaning Solution. A 1% solution of Micro-90® not only removes the organics and metals that blind the membranes, it provides savings through reduced energy, reduced chemical use and less downtime. 100% recovery is achieved after every Micro-90® wash, and they have yet to replace any of their membranes after 9 years of operation.

Micro-90® is a mild, yet powerful, multipurpose, alkaline cleaning concentrate that has long been used in laboratories, industrial applications, and critical cleaning processes. Micro-90® is a unique chelating detergent that contains ionic and non-ionic ingredients, which combine to produce a variety of cleaning actions. Micro-90® lifts, disperses, emulsifies, sequesters, suspends, and decomposes soils, then rinses them away leaving the surface absolutely clean. Micro-90®’s target soils include oil, grease, wax, tar, flux, particulates, hard water stains, and biological debris. Micro-90® is highly effective at defouling filter membranes and can be validated in critical cleaning applications.


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