Open Fest and electronics Hackathon
This year Open Fest celebrate 10 years and it will be on 3rd and 4th of November as usual in Sofia Interpred centre.
The foreign lecturers this year are: Brian Doll и Hengeveld Nick from GitHub and Harald Welte from OpenMoco.
Olimex will present where we are with the open source Hardware project OLinuXino and what is the further roadmap of devices which will be covered.
This year there will be an practical Hackathon which will run during the Open Fest. Everybody with idea to implement something with Arduino, Pinguino, Maple or OLinuXino have chance to complete the project during the event and to get as reward free board.
Please register your interest to attend the Hackathon to Marian Marinov (mm at openfest org) or to Olimex (info at olimex).