CooCox supports our OpenOCD ARM-JTAG-TINY-H, ARM-USB-OCD-H and ARM-JTAG-SWD ARM-JTAG-2010 adapters, so our customers could work with CooCox IDE with our current JTAGs.
What we missed in our product range though was the designed by CooCox team own JTAG adapter with build in support for SWD and fast programming.
This is why we built ARM-JTAG-COOCOX it’s open source hardware and software JTAG which is supported out of the box by CooCox IDE, so you can fast program and debug your code with CooCox IDE.
At EUR 24.95 ARM-JTAG-COOCOX is fast, reliable and completely open source product.
CooCox IDE generally gives you the same what commercial IDE vendors provide and sell for thousands of euro, but it’s completely free, so you should definitely give it a try when you make your next ARM project.