connectBlue Honored with Wireless Product Leadership Award

Whether they are used in traf­fic guid­ance sys­tems, pho­to­voltaic sys­tems, build­ing machin­ery, super­vi­sion cam­eras or off­shore wind farms – mod­ern indusuconnectBlue today announced that Frost & Sullivan has presented the 2012 European Product Leadership Award for Wireless Solutions in Industrial Markets to connectBlue. According to the research conducted, connectBlue performed remarkably better than any of the other top companies evaluated.

The Product Leadership Award is a notable recognition of connectBlue’s accomplishments in wireless solutions in industrial markets. connectBlue came out as a clear winner out of the top companies that Frost & Sullivan evaluated; the weighted rating of all five categories gave connectBlue the ranking of “excellent” while the other companies ranked “good” or “fair.”

“Our highest ranking – 10 out of 10 – was achieved in the “Product Quality” category,” says Rolf Nilsson, CEO of connectBlue. “We are pleased for this third-party recognition as we – since day one – have been committed to delivering long-term, high-performing wireless products for tough, demanding applications.”

Frost & Sullivan confirms that “connectBlue has developed state-of-the-art wireless modules comprising excellent performance, extended lifecycle and compatibility with other devices in the industrial network, and hence connectBlue has become one of the leaders in European industrial wireless devices market. Since 2001, the company has offered products based on its own Bluetooth stacks and Wireless LAN software drivers that are characterized by enhanced liability, long range connectivity, high throughput, low latency and low power consumption,” says Anna Mazurek, Research Analyst, Industrial Automation & Process Control, Frost & Sullivan.

The unbiased, third-party Frost & Sullivan recognized connectBlue as the award recipient after a process of identifying industry challenges and opportunities, deciding on award criteria, conducting best practice research, identifying the top performing companies, and finally rating these companies against the criteria. The award criteria covered the following:
  •     Features/Functionality
  •     Innovative Element of the Product
  •     Product Acceptance in the Marketplace
  •     Provides Customer Value Enhancements
  •     Product Quality
“Besides having a portfolio of high quality industrial wireless devices, connectBlue has been continuously striving to develop additional innovative product features that set the company apart from other wireless providers on the market,” concludes Mazurek.trial on the con­nec­tors used.

Pro­tec­tion against humid­ity or mechan­i­cal stress are no longer the only sig­nif­i­cant cri­te­ria. Depend­ing on the appli­ca­tion, mod­ern con­nec­tors have to trans­mit high cur­rents for energy sup­ply, man­age high data rates and con­tribute to com­ply­ing with EMC require­ments. CONEC’s port­fo­lio is as var­ied as those requirements:

• IP67 D-Subminiature Solid Body (Stan­dard, High Den­sity)
• IP67 D-Subminiature Com­bi­na­tion Solid Body (Stan­dard, High Den­sity)
• IP67 D-Subminiature (Stan­dard, High Den­sity)
• IP67 D-Subminiature Com­bi­na­tion (Stan­dard, High Den­sity)
• IP67 D-Subminiature Fil­ter (Stan­dard, High Den­sity
• IP67 Hoods and Accessories

With the Solid Body ver­sion of the D-Subminiature con­nec­tor, CONEC has fur­ther opti­mised the IP67. The hous­ing is made of one piece and there­fore offers opti­mal pro­tec­tion in the vicin­ity of high mechan­i­cal stress.

As a spe­cial­ist for fil­ter con­nec­tors, CONEC has inte­grated a low pass fil­ter in the inter­faces pro­tected against cli­matic impact as an addi­tional pro­tec­tion against elec­tri­cal inter­fer­ence. Amongst oth­ers, the patented pla­nar fil­ter tech­nol­ogy patented by CONEC is used. This tech­nol­ogy does not only include a fil­ter for con­ducted inter­fer­ence, but also pro­vides excel­lent shield­ing in the mat­ing area to elim­i­nate inter­fer­ence directly at the inter­face to the inte­rior device.


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