CANoe.IP and CANalyzer.IP 8.0
New Functions CANoe.IP 8.0
- Integration of FIBEX 4.0.1-based data formats enables the use of signal and RPC parameters.
- Support for TCP and UDP sockets based on IPv6 in CAPL as well as .NET enables you to simulate and test applications for IPv6 networks using the Windows network stack.
- Advanced bus statistics are now available for offline analysis.
- The enhanced display in the Trace window (fixed mode) facilitates the observation of packet data during a measurement.
- The SOME/IP, AVTP (IEEE 1722) and PTP (IEEE 802.1AS) protocols are now additionally supported in the IP Filter and the Trace window.
- In the IP Filter's packet filter, you can use a wildcard (*) to quickly filter according to whether or not a protocol field is available.
- Advanced bus statistics are now available for offline analysis.
- The enhanced display in the Trace window (fixed mode) facilitates the observation of packet data during a measurement.
- The SOME/IP, AVTP (IEEE 1722) and PTP (IEEE 802.1AS) protocols are now additionally supported in the IP Filter and the Trace window.
- In the IP Filter's packet filter, you can use a wildcard (*) to quickly filter according to whether or not a protocol field is available.