Versatile System Solutions for Individual Customer Requirements

For single-family and multi-family homes, eco-friendly gas condensing boilers will remain a popular heating medium in the future. The cost-benefit ratio for a modern, low-pollutant gas heating system remains unbeatable. To eliminate the problems that developers encounter when coordinating individual components in gas-fired heating systems, complete packages are put together consisting of perfectly matched blower, venturi and gas valve.

The perfect interaction of individual system components which improves efficiency due to long-lasting and constant gas-air mix, and in turn reduces cost, particularly over a long service life.

The specialists in this area from ebm-papst and the specialists in control engineering at the Netherlands-based Argus Vision are dedicated to ongoing improvements in components and the interaction of individual components in increasingly more complex heating engineering systems. The individual system components can be selected by the customer – from the new, more efficient NRG 77 EC gas blower, to additional components such as venturi and gas valves, to complete solutions with burner control and electronic networking. This combination of blowers and control technology from a single source is one-of-a-kind in condensing boiler technology.

At their joint stand at the Mostra Convegno 2012 trade fair, the two companies present a range of particularly efficient solutions in the fan and blower category matched to specific applications. Control systems for the entire heating engineering system, including digital interfaces to the individual components, are likewise on display.


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