Honeywell to Automate Petrocity’s Greenfield Konza Terminal to Help Maintain Safe, Efficient Fuel Supply in Kenya

Honeywell won a $2.4M project to deliver a full automation solution for Petrocity’s Greenfield Konza terminal storage facility 60 km southeast of Nairobi, Kenya. The project includes comprehensive solutions for the pipeline receipt system, tank farm, truck loading system, and terminal automation, through Experion® Process Knowledge System (PKS) and Terminal Manager. It also includes all industrial security, emergency shutdown (ESD) and fire & gas (F&G) systems.

The new terminal facility is situated on the Nairobi-Mombasa highway and will cater to Nairobi's growing demand for fuel, which accounts for more than 50 percent of the country's oil consumption. It will have a capacity to handle 120 million litres of gasoline, diesel and kerosene - enough stock to fuel Nairobi for up to two months - with infrastructure for product receipt, storage and distribution. Equipped with high-accuracy measurement instruments and approved for custody transfer applications, the Petrocity project will also increase availability of petroleum products to new entrants and independent dealers in Kenya who have limited access to truck loading facilities in the area.


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