EngyCal with FDM Software - Energy Management Made Easy

Endress+Hauser's two new EngyCal® energy managers provide high-precision recording and billing information for steam mass, energy flow, plus heating and cooling in liquid heat transfer systems. For a simple, scalable automatic meter reading solution in energy monitoring applications, EngyCal is the answer!

With the pressure mounting to reduce energy consumption and prove your green credentials, being able to record real-time energy consumption and verify that carbon-saving initiatives are working is more important than ever. Only by having a reliable record of energy use over a period of time can energy saving initiatives be evaluated.

The EngyCal RH33 BTU meter and EngyCal RS33 steam meter complement the Endress+Hauser range of data loggers and recorders (including Memograph M RSG40 and Ecograph T RSG30) and can be used with Endress+Hauser's new Field Data Manager (FDM) software for energy reporting and visualisation. The FDM software is built on a secure SQL database and enhances Endress+Hauser's energy monitoring solution by allowing automatic interval consumption data to be reported over any time period.

Endress+Hauser offers the FDM software as a free three-month trial download. Once you've tried and loved it, you can purchase the software for as little as £650, giving you a cost-effective energy reporting solution. For more advanced data analysis, the FDM software can export data automatically to energy monitoring & targeting software such as Endress+Hauser's eSight.

With no limit on the number of devices that can be added, EngyCal energy managers allow you to implement a fully scalable and modular energy management system that can be adapted to the changing needs of your facility.


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