Bluetooth® Smart Certified Bluegiga BLE112 and BLED112 Products Now Shipping

Bluegiga, among the first module manufacturers, now offers completely certified Bluetooth 4.0 (Bluetooth Smart) products for mass production. Bluetooth certified components can be securely integrated in to products, while the certification enables interoperability among Bluetooth smart devices and also gives the allowance to use the Bluetooth logos in commercial products.

The official Bluetooth certification now covers both hardware and software for Bluegiga BLE112 and BLED112 products. Those products are not only Bluetooth certified but also CE, FCC, and IC certified, providing OEM’s faster end product certification and faster time to market. The BLE112 and BLED112 products are now available for the mass productions with the fully tested SW and HW.

One of the greatest benefits within Bluegiga 4.0 products is the Bluetooth certified BGScriptTM, enabling simple and rapid environment for Bluetooth 4.0 profile and app development. The BGScriptTM has now been even further developed and productized, to ensure its robustness. Bluegiga’s BGScriptTM also enables developers to develop in-module software functions, making Bluetooth low energy application development extremely easy.

The first shipments have been delivered to our customers, and there are several applications in production. One of those is Find My Car Smart, an application that uses Bluetooth 4.0 to help iPhone 4S owners to locate their parked vehicles on the parking lot. The system consist an iOS application, downloadable on iTunes, and a USB-based Bluetooth proximity adapter. After downloading the application, it simply requires sticking the dongle in the car, letting the iPhone 4S automatically mark the parking spot. For more about Find My Car Smart, please refer to Bluegiga reference cases: Building Success with “Find My Car Smart”


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