New Pressure Transmitters Eliminate Expected Upgrading Headaches

Locally-built transmitters take advantage of lean manufacturing to provide high performance measurement at competitive prices.

The new line of M-Class pressure transmitters makes it easier for legacy plants to upgrade to digital communications systems such as HART and WirelessHART. It can be difficult for a plant to upgrade all its transmitters at one time, but the M-Class allows users to install instruments on an as-needed basis.

Endress+Hauser's M Class Cerabar line of pressure transmitters have ATEX, FM, CSA, NEPSI and IEC Ex certifications for use in hazardous areas. The new M class family of transmitters are manufactured throughout the world, providing fast delivery and competitive prices.

Lean manufacturing of these transmitters benefits customers by providing quicker lead times and easier customization. Prices can also be competitive while maintaining high quality because lean manufacturing-to-order cuts inventory and other production costs.

The new line of M-Class transmitters makes it easier for legacy plants to upgrade to digital communications systems such as HART and WirelessHART. It can be difficult for a plant to upgrade all its transmitters at one time, but the M-Class allows users to install instruments on an as-needed basis.

M-Class transmitters have a 4-20mA two-wire analog output with superimposed HART 6.0 digital communications. Remote operation is available via a HART Field Communicator handheld terminal or the wireless Field Xpert PDA with an integrated 3.5 in. touchscreen. The transmitters can also be configured with Endress+Hauser's FieldCare asset management tool, based on FDT technology.

An optional four-line liquid crystal display (LCD) can be used for local display and operation on the transmitters. The local display shows measured values and dialog texts as well as fault and notice messages in plain text, thereby supporting the user at every stage of operation. The liquid crystal display of the device can be turned in 90° stages.

The transmitters can be mounted on a tank, wall or pipe - in either a vertical or a horizontal orientation. The turnable display makes it easy to operate the transmitter and read the measured values with either orientation.

Pressure Measurements

The Cerabar M line of transmitters can be used for measuring absolute and gauge pressure of gases, steam or liquids in all process areas. Typical applications also include level, volume and mass measurement of liquids.

The Cerabar M is available in three models—the PMC51, PMP51 and PMP55. The PMC51 has a capacitive measuring cell and ceramic isolating diaphragm; the PMP51 has a piezoresistive measuring cell and a metal welded process isolating diaphragm; and the PMP55 has a diaphragm seal.

Measuring range is from -15 to 6,000 psi, depending on the model, with reference accuracy up to 0.075% and turndown of 100:1. With diaphragm seals, the Cerabar M can be used in temperatures up to 752 ◦F.

The Cerabar M transmitter has either stainless steel or an aluminium or housing with protective powder coating. A stainless housing is available for hygienic applications. With appropriate seals, the Cerabar M can be used in oxygen, hydrogen, silicon-free and ultra pure gas applications.


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