High Performance Operator Workstations in Zone 1/21
VisuNet PC operator workstations for hazardous areas Zone 1/21 (ATEX, IECEX) now include Intel® Core™2 Duo processors! Two independent processor cores in one housing work with the same clock frequency. Due to this architecture execution time and energy architecture are optimized. With a clock frequency of 2 x 1,06 GHz, and doubling the main memory to 2 GB, even the most demanding SCADA applications can be driven.
VisuNet EX1 PCs are especially suitable for harsh conditions and hazardous areas Zone 1/21 (ATEX / IECEx). A wide range of display sizes, stainless steel housings, and mounting options make a very flexible solution, which is necessary to meet the requirements of pharmaceutical, chemistry, or oil and gas industry applications.
VisuNet EX1 PCs are especially suitable for harsh conditions and hazardous areas Zone 1/21 (ATEX / IECEx). A wide range of display sizes, stainless steel housings, and mounting options make a very flexible solution, which is necessary to meet the requirements of pharmaceutical, chemistry, or oil and gas industry applications.