Thermal Management of LED Lights Made Easier with ATS LED Cooling Resource Kit

Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. (ATS) has assembled a resource kit for LED professionals.  Consisting of white papers, presentations and videos, the kit provides practical information on the how and why of cooling LED lights.

The kit consists of the following resources:  A white paper showing how to cool high power LED lights; a presentation on the role of the PCB in the thermal management of LED lights; a presentation on metal core PCB and the role they can play in LED thermal management; a case study on developing analytical models for cooling LED lights, a video introducing an Energy Star Compliant Reference Design For LED Light Fixture (with link to the reference design) and an interview with Dr. Kaveh Azar on LED Heat Sink Types and Applications.

"Our resource kit contains many of the materials we refer to in our daily thermal management practice", said Dr. Kaveh Azar, "We trust they will prove useful to other engineers in their work cooling high heat LED".

ATS will be exhibiting at the 11th Annual coolingZONE Business and Technology Summit October 5-6, 2011 at the Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge MA

Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc (ATS) is a leading engineering/manufacturing company focused on innovations in the thermal management of electronics. Founded in 1989 as a consulting company, ATS has evolved to a complete thermal solutions provider and is world renowned for its portfolio of more than 450 high- and ultra performance heat sinks, research-quality test equipment, and leading-edge R&D.


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