LDS Test & Measurement Ltd becomes Bruel & Kjaer VTS
LDS Test and Measurement Limited - the long established manufacturer of world-leading LDS vibration test equipment - has changed its name to Bruel & Kjaer VTS Limited.
In December 2008 the Royston, UK based LDS group was acquired by FTSE 250 company, Spectris plc and became a part of Bruel & Kjaer Sound & Vibration - one of Spectris plc’s Test & Measurement business units.
Dr Lawrence Grasty, Vice President of the Vibration Testing Systems (VTS) business unit, commented: “The change in name for the company signifies the final step to fully integrate the LDS business within Bruel & Kjaer and reflect the one company, one team approach that we are bringing to our customers. The globally recognised LDS brand name continues on all our shaker products.”
LDS vibration testing equipment sits alongside the full range of sound and vibration measurement products and environmental monitoring systems offered by Bruel & Kjaer Sound & Vibration, enabling the company to offer complete vibration, acoustic, and data acquisition - and analysis solutions - to its customers.
In December 2008 the Royston, UK based LDS group was acquired by FTSE 250 company, Spectris plc and became a part of Bruel & Kjaer Sound & Vibration - one of Spectris plc’s Test & Measurement business units.
Dr Lawrence Grasty, Vice President of the Vibration Testing Systems (VTS) business unit, commented: “The change in name for the company signifies the final step to fully integrate the LDS business within Bruel & Kjaer and reflect the one company, one team approach that we are bringing to our customers. The globally recognised LDS brand name continues on all our shaker products.”
LDS vibration testing equipment sits alongside the full range of sound and vibration measurement products and environmental monitoring systems offered by Bruel & Kjaer Sound & Vibration, enabling the company to offer complete vibration, acoustic, and data acquisition - and analysis solutions - to its customers.