TME Offers 3RV1 Motor Protection Circuit Breakers
Motor protection circuit breakers from the 3RV1 series, together with accessories, are part of the modular Sirius system manufactured by Siemens and available through TME. The circuit breakers can be applied everywhere that the starting and protecting of motors at an IP56 protection rating is required. Sirius motor protection circuit breakers can fit all machines and are applied mostly for the protection of motors, motor-starting combinations, protection of transformers, and the supervising of fuses.
3RV1 circuit breakers are said to offer functionalities including: overload protection of receivers; short-circuit protection; manual starting of receivers at low switching frequencies; and reliable power supply cut-off during maintenance works. Sirius series 3RV1 offers a range of auxiliary accessories, including: enclosures for wall and flush mounting; accessories for busbars; rotary motorised mechanisms; mounting accessories; and housings. The Sirius system from Siemens has the following advantages: four sizes up to 45kW; design widths of 45/55/57mm; modules of the system for motor receivers with overload contactors and relays; faster mounting thanks to wiring sets; selection of accessories; available screw terminals and spring terminals cage clamp.
3RV1 circuit breakers are said to offer functionalities including: overload protection of receivers; short-circuit protection; manual starting of receivers at low switching frequencies; and reliable power supply cut-off during maintenance works. Sirius series 3RV1 offers a range of auxiliary accessories, including: enclosures for wall and flush mounting; accessories for busbars; rotary motorised mechanisms; mounting accessories; and housings. The Sirius system from Siemens has the following advantages: four sizes up to 45kW; design widths of 45/55/57mm; modules of the system for motor receivers with overload contactors and relays; faster mounting thanks to wiring sets; selection of accessories; available screw terminals and spring terminals cage clamp.