Rack-Mount PC Suits Vehicles and Roadside Cabinets
Amplicon has released the Impact-R 1000LP 1U rack-mount PC, which is claimed to provide the processing power needed for industrial applications while using a third of the power of traditional systems. Low-powered systems are suitable for applications with a limited power budget, such as vehicles or roadside cabinets. At 220mm deep, the Impact-R 1000LP 1U rack-mount PC can fit into a shallow cabinet.
Two systems can be mounted back to back in a 600mm-deep cabinet. The system comes supplied with a 160GB extended-duty hard drive as standard, which is designed to run 24/7. Improved environmental performance can be achieved by using industrial Compactflash. Expansion is also available through a PCI card slot, suitable for half-length cards such as data acquisition or additional communications ports.
Built from industrial components, the product is road mapped and available for five years. The Impact-R 1000LP features: three serial ports (two RS232, 1 RS232/422/485 selectable); 2Gb LAN; six USB ports; VGA; and audio.
Two systems can be mounted back to back in a 600mm-deep cabinet. The system comes supplied with a 160GB extended-duty hard drive as standard, which is designed to run 24/7. Improved environmental performance can be achieved by using industrial Compactflash. Expansion is also available through a PCI card slot, suitable for half-length cards such as data acquisition or additional communications ports.
Built from industrial components, the product is road mapped and available for five years. The Impact-R 1000LP features: three serial ports (two RS232, 1 RS232/422/485 selectable); 2Gb LAN; six USB ports; VGA; and audio.