Stainless-Steel Belts for Hygiene-Critical Areas

At Interpack, Sandvik will focus on the cleanliness and hygienic qualities of its stainless-steel conveying and processing belts, launching a compact, self-contained conveyor system. Steel belts are widely used in drying, cooling, freezing and baking applications. Their inherent cleanliness - the flat, smooth surface of a steel belt is easy to clean and impervious to bacteria and odours - makes it suitable for a range of conveying operations.

One area where concerns over hygiene have put food safety and sanitation at the top of the list of priorities is meat processing and Sandvik will highlight research showing a significant reduction in the risk of bacterial build-up when using steel-belt technology. Research by Finnish food laboratory VTT Expert Services has shown that stainless-steel belts are more cleanable than plastic conveyor belts and that this benefit is even more marked as belts become worn or damaged. The research measured residues left after cleaning a Sandvik stainless-steel belt and two types of plastic conveyor - solid and laminated - with tests carried out on new and 'damaged' surfaces.

The results clearly demonstrated the enhanced cleanability of the stainless-steel surface. Sandvik will introduce a compact, steel belt-based conveyor system designed for meat-processing and other hygiene-critical applications. A modular framework offers a choice of lengths from 2.5-15m and belts can be supplied in widths from 600-1,500mm. Open on one side, the unit allows quick installation of endless belts, eliminating welding and ensuring maximum hygiene.

Other key features include easy adjustment of tension and parallelism, efficient drum motors and a framework that delivers high strength and stability from a lightweight design. Sandvik produces a range of steel belt-based processing systems with applications relevant to Interpack visitors.

Its Rotoform granulation system provides a efficient method of solidifying molten products (for example, cheese, chocolate, emulsifiers, fats, chewing gum base) in an easy-to-handle and store pastille form. The company also supplies casting systems based on highly polished steel belts for producing packaging foils and films.


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