RFID Portal Tracks Movement of Stock

Buck and Hickman, a distributor of tools, maintenance and health and safety products, has supplied a vendor-managed inventory system called the Accu-Port to a power-generation company. The Accu-Port, powered by the Cribmaster software, saves the customer money on surplus stock and lost equipment due to an Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) portal that can track the movement of everything from small drill bits, consumables and hand tools right up to the management of serialised gauges or durable items.

There are two primary areas of control. Firstly over the issue of consumable items to employees and secondly the control of durable/serialised items, such as gauges, that require regular calibration and maintenance. Previously, without employing a stock controller, equipment could be taken freely by any member of staff with no accountability if it was lost or not returned at the end of a shift.

This often results in high replacement costs or the over-ordering of stock. The Accu-Port uses coded RFID tags that are attached to each piece of equipment. Employees can only gain access to the crib by identifying themselves via a touch-screen panel which records who has taken which piece of equipment.


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