Gemini Data Loggers Improve Composting Process
Visitors to The Composting Association Fair at the National Motorcycle Museum in November will be able to see how Gemini Data Loggers have helped to improve the composting process. Three sites are now up and running for ORM Eco-Pod, utilising Gemini's new wireless technology for composting with an RF transmitter system that sends real-time data direct to a specially developed version of the Tinytag Explorer Software.
Temperature fluctuations are spotted immediately, enabling instant remedial action to automatically turn the aeration systems on or off as necessary. This ensures that the composting conditions are optimised throughout the duration of the process - a fundamental condition for licensing authorities. While radio data loggers may be the future of large-scale farm compost production, Gemini's more conventional self-contained and battery-operated loggers offer answers to many industry problems, according to the company.
For instance, the Tinytag loggers are robust enough to be used in 'in-vessel' environments without fear of damage or loss of data. Windrow and Convectional processes are also suited to Tinytags, again ensuring uniformity of quality and conformity to licensing criteria.
Temperature fluctuations are spotted immediately, enabling instant remedial action to automatically turn the aeration systems on or off as necessary. This ensures that the composting conditions are optimised throughout the duration of the process - a fundamental condition for licensing authorities. While radio data loggers may be the future of large-scale farm compost production, Gemini's more conventional self-contained and battery-operated loggers offer answers to many industry problems, according to the company.
For instance, the Tinytag loggers are robust enough to be used in 'in-vessel' environments without fear of damage or loss of data. Windrow and Convectional processes are also suited to Tinytags, again ensuring uniformity of quality and conformity to licensing criteria.