Rotary Joints Enable High-Power Transmissions

Link Microtek has introduced a range of dual-channel rotary joints that offer low-loss performance and high power capability over the frequency range 1.5 to 40GHz. The AM-RJ-D series rotary joints can be configured with two waveguide channels or with one waveguide channel and one coaxial channel. The waveguide channels, which would generally be used for high-power transmissions, are available in waveguide sizes from WR28 to WR284, while the coaxial low-power receiver channels can be specified with frequencies from DC to 40GHz.

Particularly suitable for use in satellite communications or radar applications, the rotary joints typically have a maximum insertion loss of 0.2-0.3dB, 60dB between the two channels and a power capability of up to 500W. Any standard waveguide flange can be incorporated in the design to suit customers' specific requirements and a range of coaxial connectors is offered, including SMA, N type and TNC.

In addition, optional slip-ring assemblies are available for interfacing to external equipment. The AM-RJ-D devices are fabricated as standard from lightweight Alochromed aluminium with a black satin paint finish. They can also be supplied in brass or other materials to special order.


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