Custom-Built Switchgear Interlocking Systems
Fortress Interlocks work closely with switchgear manufacturers to translate project switching requirements into hardware, then to ensure correct product choice and successful system integration. The company's safe, simple and custom-buit interlock systems ensure that earth/ground switches cannot be closed on live busbars and that isolation procedures are strictly adhered to.
Key-coding ensures that locks and keys can be clearly identified with their associated equipment, thus guaranteeing that safety is not compromised by having two keys the same on-site. By mastering and part mastering, Fortress's key coding helps reduce the number of keys and simplifies the system.
Key-coding ensures that locks and keys can be clearly identified with their associated equipment, thus guaranteeing that safety is not compromised by having two keys the same on-site. By mastering and part mastering, Fortress's key coding helps reduce the number of keys and simplifies the system.