Viking Exhibits PCB Tools at Southern Electronics

Viking Test Services offers a wide range of equipment for the PCB bare board industry and is now set to expand with the addition of a range of equipment for PCB assembly. The new product range includes screen printers, first-off inspection and test software, reflow and wave soldering ovens and X-ray inspection equipment. These are complemented by a range of hand soldering and rework systems and ESD products.

Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) can be used for large batch work, but can prove too time consuming to program for smaller batches. Another form of AOI, Assisted Optical Inspection will be on show at Southern Electronics. This lends itself to work patterns that are perceived as wide mix, low volumes. It is said to be particularly suited to through-hole component inspection. With the expansion of the product range, the company said it now caters for the full spectrum of PCB production.


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