Filtration Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Porvair Filtration is a specialist in supplying clean-up filtration systems for nuclear decommissioning and decontamination. As processes are developed to deal with legacy wastes and legislation is introduced to define storage conditions, the company has developed solutions to meet increasingly complex filtration problems associated with global decommissioning and decontamination facilities. Porvair has engineered solutions to meet difficult problems including the clean-up of liquid wastes, the drying and storage of spent fuel and the venting of waste tanks and storage packages.

The company's capabilities also extend to the collection of mechanically generated demolition debris, spent fuel transport cask washing and high-temperature chemical-attack-resistant HEPA and THE filters. Porvair Filtration said it is well versed at working with engineers and technologists to develop solutions to the most extreme problems of temperature, chemical aggression and high dirt loading.


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