Advanced Course to Focus on Sound and Vibration

Sound and vibration specialist Bruel and Kjaer is supporting this year's Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) advanced course. The course consists of a three-day core element, which is preceded by an optional two-day refresher in the principles of vibration and acoustics. Following the completion of the refresher segment, attendees can select their training schedule from a choice of three specialist areas, including noise control, structural dynamics and aero acoustics.

The noise control course will outline the underlying principles of noise control, examine the character of noise in some key applications and discuss how noise may be reduced by design or through palliative treatment. It will be divided into three sections, covering basic principles, techniques and applications and case histories. The structural dynamics course will provide an overview of the potential and applicability of a range of measurement and analysis techniques. It will include a series of presentations and a half-day, hands-on laboratory session.

The advanced course for aero acoustics will provide a sound practical basis for acousticians and engineers working at an advanced level within areas such as turbomachinery noise, aerodynamically generated noise in ducts and air-moving systems, noise generated by unsteady flow over airframes and motor vehicles and noise generated by unsteady turbulent mixing in jets and wakes. All of the training sessions will be held between 12 and 16 September at Southampton University's Highfield campus.


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