Pickering Interfaces Adds to Range of Fault Insertion PXI Modules
The 40-199 provides 10 fault insertion channels that can be connected to either (or both) of two fault bus connections. Each fault insertion channel can switch up to 125VDC with powers up to 300W or 250VAC at up to 2500VA. Each channel can carry and hot switch 10A . Both fault buses are rated at 20A enabling the support of two 10A fault conditions from each one.
The 40-199 uses a switch design based around high quality electro-mechanical relays and in addition to being supported in any PXI compliant chassis, it can be supported in Pickering Interfaces Modular LXI Chassis’.
Pickering Interfaces offers the widest range of fault insertion modules available in the PXI platform, allowing users to choose the size and rating of the fault insertion channels they need from 2A to in excess of 30A. All fault insertion solutions are compatible with the most common real time operating systems.