MIS43x - Integrated Stepper Motor

QuickStep, the Integrated Stepper Motors from JVL.

A wealth of possibilities in a series of of the world´s most compact stepper motors with the higest microstepping resolution.

The motor are basically available in 2 sizes:
  • MIS430 - 10.0Nm
  • MIS432 - 25.0Nm
The QuickStep series of Stepper motors with integrated electronics represents a major step forward. All the necessary electronics in a stepper system are integrated in the motor itself.

The stepper motor, encoder and electronics are specially developed by JVL so that together they form a closed unit in which the power driver and controller are mounted inside the motor in a closed section.

Choose MOTOR SELECTION CHART to find the motor for your application and select ACCESSORIES, CONNECTIONS, VERSIONS, and SOFTWARE below to optimize your choice for your application.

Note that the driver and controller are also available a separate unit - SMC85.


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