Meggitt Announces a New Product Generation: The VibroSight® Total Monitoring Solution
The VibroSight® Total Monitoring Solution provides advanced monitoring information that is fundamental to Plan Asset Management. Data from all sources is collected, transformed and analyzed, to provide advisory for management of plants in power generation, oil & gas or petrochemical industries.
The main benefit delivered by VibroSight® to plant operators is the combination of advanced monitoring, diagnostic and optimization functions, with a great simplicity of use and easy access to other systems’ interfaces:
VibroSight® works with all machine types: Application Packages provide specific graphical interfaces and plot types relevant to a specific asset or application. These modules are being developed to address applications like: steam turbines, hydro turbines, generators, test beds, etc... Specific gas turbine vibration, combustion and blade health Modules are available.
VibroSight® works with all monitoring systems and devices types: the software platform automatically collects and analyzes data from rack-based, portable, compact and future monitoring systems. VibroSight® is easily expandable: when new equipments and monitoring devices are added to a plant, the solution’s open structure allows interfacing easily with the new devices and integrating the additional data to existing monitoring functions.
Plant operators that choose VibroSight® to improve their Plan Asset Management will appreciate particularly its single system approach, designed for maximum flexibility. Applications range from hosting a single compact system, to addressing thousands of parameters across a networked Management system for several plants.
The VibroSight® Total Monitoring Solution is currently being tested on selected plants, in cooperation with plant operators. The product will be showcased at Power-Gen Europe (Amsterdam, 08-10 June 2010), with a demo for customers. The complete product package will be deliverable to the market in Q3 2010.