Objet 3D Printed Dashboard from StreetScooter and Other Cutting-Edge 3D Printing Applications at EuroMold 2011

Following a year packed full of new 3D printing product and material launches, Objet Ltd., the innovation leader in 3D printing for rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing, will showcase some of the real-life applications made possible with its technology at EuroMold 2011. A standout highlight of the exhibition will be a stunning 3D printed dashboard from StreetScooter.

The StreetScooter project is a consortium of over 80 companies, united with an aim to develop an affordable electric car with an emphasis on sustainability. Working closely with the group, Objet has produced highly realistic prototypes for the development of the style and function of the car, including a 1.4 meter wide dashboard made from over 20 individually printed parts. Major parts of the dashboard were printed in the Objet ABS-like Digital Material, chosen for its exceptional dimensional stability and toughness. Additional Objet materials were used to simulate fine-details. The parts were then glued, polished and painted to precisely simulate the true look, feel and function of the dashboard.

EuroMold visitors can see the fully-assembled dashboard complete with display screens and additional 3D printed fittings at the Objet stand. Also featuring at the exhibition will be a diverse range of exceptionally realistic prototypes, all real applications from Objet customers including automotive and defence parts, kitchen utensils, film special effects, medical devices, dental veneers, footwear and more.

“Objet has a comprehensive range of products for the professional user. From entry-level Desktop 3D printers, to the highly productive Eden range and the unique multi-material Connex series, there’s a perfect fit for any product designer or engineer with a rapid prototyping requirement,” states Gilad Gans, Executive Vice President for Objet, “It’s the 3D printing materials that provide many of the unique capabilities of our 3D printers. With the introduction of several important new materials in 2011, Objet can now boast an impressive portfolio of 68 materials of varying physical and mechanical properties. It’s the most versatile range of materials on the market, all developed with the intention to create the most realistic prototypes possible.”

Demonstrations of Objet’s full range of materials will be available throughout the show, including the latest releases: high temperature resistant material (RGD525), clear transparent material (Objet VeroClear), ABS-like Digital Material (RGD5160-DM), bio-compatible material (MED610) and the rigid opaque VeroWhitePlus material.

Showcasing the advantages of multi-material printing, the Objet260 Connex (launched summer 2011) and the larger Objet500 Connex, will be running live on the stand. Gans adds, “Objet’s capability to print multiple materials in a single build is not only unique, but it can’t be competed with. No other technology can produce a part comprising 14 different material properties in a single build with no assembly. With varying properties from rigid to rubber, opaque to transparent, to engineering plastics simulation, Objet’s Connex technology is the pinnacle of true product realism.”

Also at the Objet stand will be the Objet desktop and Eden 3D printers.


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