New Non-contact Length and Velocity Sensor
Compact, cost-effective, and accurate: the LSV-2000 Laser Surface Velocimeter is the latest member of Polytec's compact instrument class. It determines the direction of motion (forward or reverse), as well as, measures to standstill condition. This makes it ideal for applications such as footage counting on a take-up reel where the material may frequently start/stop, or for applications requiring product positioning such as in cut-to-length process lines.
The new optical system design offers depths of field and velocity ranges that are independent of the sensor standoff distance. This leads to significantly more application possibilities, especially for sensors with short standoff distances. Thanks to its compact design the LSV-2000 is perfectly suited for use in small spaces, such as in C-Frame Thickness Gauges for rolling mills or scanning systems in paper mills and film processing lines. In addition, the LSV-2000 offers accessories for use in hostile environments like dirty, dusty or high temperature process areas.
The new optical system design offers depths of field and velocity ranges that are independent of the sensor standoff distance. This leads to significantly more application possibilities, especially for sensors with short standoff distances. Thanks to its compact design the LSV-2000 is perfectly suited for use in small spaces, such as in C-Frame Thickness Gauges for rolling mills or scanning systems in paper mills and film processing lines. In addition, the LSV-2000 offers accessories for use in hostile environments like dirty, dusty or high temperature process areas.