PREMO Announces The Retirement of Its Hall Effect Current Transducer HCT-BS1 Family and Unveils Mechanical Changes in The HCT-BS Family
PREMO announces the retirement of its Hall Effect current transducer HCT-BS1 family and unveils mechanical changes in the HCT-BS family.
Family HCT-BS:
The only difference that can be appreciated in the brand new HCT-BS family lay in the output connector and gain control potentiometer positions.
Besides these mechanical changes, HCT-BS family electrical and performance characteristic remains unchanged.
Family HCT-BS1:
PREMO announces a change in the name of the Hall Effect current transducer HCT-BS1 family. From now on, HCT-BS1 will be named as HCT-BS. HCT-BS will have the same HCT-BS1’s mechanical, electrical and operational characteristics.
Family HCT-BS:
The only difference that can be appreciated in the brand new HCT-BS family lay in the output connector and gain control potentiometer positions.
Besides these mechanical changes, HCT-BS family electrical and performance characteristic remains unchanged.
Family HCT-BS1:
PREMO announces a change in the name of the Hall Effect current transducer HCT-BS1 family. From now on, HCT-BS1 will be named as HCT-BS. HCT-BS will have the same HCT-BS1’s mechanical, electrical and operational characteristics.