Intelligent IP67 Power Supplies

Every machine builder is looking for ways to reduce the total cost of their machine while improving performance; and every end user is looking for ways to improve uptime and reduce operating costs. Power supplies can take up a substantial space in an increasingly crowded controls cabinet. With the use of distributed I/O, block I/O and remote I/O becoming more prevalent, the need for ample power on the machine has also increased. But most power supplies in the market today give no feedback on their long term health. A faulty or dying power supply can cause maintenance crews hours of precious production time in troubleshooting and repair. The introduction of intelligent power supplies with Heartbeat technology allows these maintenance crews to get reliable feedback on the real time and long term status of the supply and be able to predict the replacement and maintenance cycle of the supply.

Built with the roughest applications in mind, these
power supplies provide many great advantages:

- Highly energy efficient (>93% efficiency)
- Electrically durable (power boot 150% for 4 seconds)
- Long lasting (minimum service life of 15 years)
- Extremely Durable (IP67 Rated, Vibration and shock resistant)

Power supply mounted on conveyor

In this application, the fill line has an installed EtherNet/IP distributed modular I/O system installed, many of the I/O devices require 24 DC Auxiliary power for their proper operation. This power supply was mounted in plain sight so the operators and maintenance crews could review the Heartbeat status of the power supply easily and ensure that everything was powered properly. Industrial standard 7/8” connectors are used to run AC input and DC output power.


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