Confocal for True Industrial Use

The existing confocal controllers are now being replaced by the new confocalDT 2451 and 2471 models. These in-house developed controllers have an excellent signal-to-noise ratio and achieve measuring rates of 10 kHz via LED and 70 kHz using a Xenon light source. For the first time, the controller has a rugged industrial design, and uses a high performance CCD array as the sensor element. The new active exposure regulation feature of the array enables fast, automatic surface compensation on different surfaces in high speed, dynamic measuring processes. As the first controller to use confocal technology, the unit is available with Ethernet, EtherCAT, RS422 and analog output as interfaces. This provides excellent flexibility, enabling the controllers to be integrated into existing measuring environments.

The measuring channel is set up and configured via a user-friendly Web interface connected via Ethernet. This means there is no need to install separate measurement software. For the first time, the controller offers the user the ability to calibrate for thickness measurements, enabling much more precise measurements. In operation, the confocalDT works with a passive cooling system so that fan noise is eliminated.


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