Primasonics Designs Green Acoustic Cleaners
Working in conjunction with two UK universities, Primasonics has succeeded in designing a 'green' range of acoustic cleaners. Sonic sootblowers are an alternative to traditional steam sootblowers, which can be expensive to purchase, install, operate and maintain. Fabricated from 316-grade stainless steel and fitted with a new design of wave generator the Quattro Range ensures maximum cleaning performance over a wide range of plant applications. The Quattro Range of sonic sootblowers eliminates particulate build-up problems throughout key plant sectors.
Aimed at the multi-horn installations associated with the power generation, ESPs, boilers (power generation, industrial and marine) and baghouse applications, sonic sootblowers prevent ash build-up; provide 360deg total tube cleaning; ensure no risk of tube erosion or corrosion, or damage to the integral structure of the boiler of other plant structures; significantly reduce the risk of soot fires; prevent internal damage to ESPs caused by mechanical rapping; significantly increase filter bag life and eliminate hopper blockage; and require minimal maintenance.
Sonic sootblowing encompasses the realm of sound transmission through particulate and solids. It is best described as the creation of rapid pressure fluctuations that are transmitted into the particulate or 'bonded' dry material, causing the solid particles to resonate and dislodge from the surface they are deposited on or bonded to without causing any structural damage to the plant.
Once dislodged, the materials fall due to gravity or are carried away by the gas or air stream within the process. The powerful sound waves are produced when the short bursts of standard plant compressed air enters the sonic sootblower's wave generator and forces the only moving part, an aerospace-grade titanium diaphragm, to flex, creating the powerful 'base' sound wave. This 'base' tone is then transmitted by a range of different horn sections into selected fundamental frequencies between 75 and 350Hz. A periodic 'sounding' - typically 5 to 10sec every 2-30min - is all that is required.
Aimed at the multi-horn installations associated with the power generation, ESPs, boilers (power generation, industrial and marine) and baghouse applications, sonic sootblowers prevent ash build-up; provide 360deg total tube cleaning; ensure no risk of tube erosion or corrosion, or damage to the integral structure of the boiler of other plant structures; significantly reduce the risk of soot fires; prevent internal damage to ESPs caused by mechanical rapping; significantly increase filter bag life and eliminate hopper blockage; and require minimal maintenance.
Sonic sootblowing encompasses the realm of sound transmission through particulate and solids. It is best described as the creation of rapid pressure fluctuations that are transmitted into the particulate or 'bonded' dry material, causing the solid particles to resonate and dislodge from the surface they are deposited on or bonded to without causing any structural damage to the plant.
Once dislodged, the materials fall due to gravity or are carried away by the gas or air stream within the process. The powerful sound waves are produced when the short bursts of standard plant compressed air enters the sonic sootblower's wave generator and forces the only moving part, an aerospace-grade titanium diaphragm, to flex, creating the powerful 'base' sound wave. This 'base' tone is then transmitted by a range of different horn sections into selected fundamental frequencies between 75 and 350Hz. A periodic 'sounding' - typically 5 to 10sec every 2-30min - is all that is required.