Tool Monitors SF6 Insulation in High-Voltage Tools
Vaisala has introduced its Multiparameter Transmitter DPT145 for the online monitoring of SF6 insulation in high-voltage equipment. The DPT145 combines online dew point monitoring with pressure measurement, enabling assessment of the condition of SF6 insulation continuously and in real time. Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is used as an insulating gas in transmission and distribution equipment such as switchgears and circuit breakers to prevent arcing during switch offs and to protect equipment from failures.
The direct normalised pressure measurement of the Vaisala DPT145 detects leakages immediately, while online dew point measurement provides early warning on moisture issues, which affect the insulating properties of the gas and cause rapid deterioration. The Vaisala DPT145 is capable of providing online monitoring of seven different parameters at once. It measures dew point, pressure and temperature directly, and provides calculated values for density, normalised pressure, dew point in atmospheric pressure and ppm.
When one single instrument monitors seven different parameters, fewer mechanical connections are needed, which reduces the risk of leakages. Savings can be achieved across the board in the form of smaller investment and installation costs, and less need for onsite servicing, for example.
The direct normalised pressure measurement of the Vaisala DPT145 detects leakages immediately, while online dew point measurement provides early warning on moisture issues, which affect the insulating properties of the gas and cause rapid deterioration. The Vaisala DPT145 is capable of providing online monitoring of seven different parameters at once. It measures dew point, pressure and temperature directly, and provides calculated values for density, normalised pressure, dew point in atmospheric pressure and ppm.
When one single instrument monitors seven different parameters, fewer mechanical connections are needed, which reduces the risk of leakages. Savings can be achieved across the board in the form of smaller investment and installation costs, and less need for onsite servicing, for example.