PI Ceramic Picoactuator Offers High Linearity

PI Ceramic has introduced the Picoactuator, a lead-free piezo actuator with high linearity for higher system bandwidth. With the Picoactuator, the company offers longitudinal and shear actuators that are made of the PIC 050 crystalline piezoelectric material. In contrast to the classic piezo actuator made of lead zirconate-lead titanate (PZ), Picoactuators show a high degree of linear displacement.

PI said this equates to 10 times higher linearity with 10 times lower displacement. Picoactuators are configurable up to heights of 20mm and maximum travel of +/-3um. The company said fields of application are in the precision positioning technology if the small displacement is enough, and at the same time high dynamics and accuracy (linearity) is required.

The high linearity means the actuators can be operated without position control, which can improve the dynamics and system bandwidth by up to one order of magnitude. Application examples include probe scanners in atomic force microscopy with more than 100Hz scanning frequency. Another example is high-resolution microscopy, where conventional piezo scanners with a vertical axis are equipped with Picoactuators to reduce deviations from the planar scan to less than 1nm in the Z axis.


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