Eaton’s New Compact XC152 PLC: Cost Efficient Integration in Modular Machine Building

The PLC is provided with either a CANopen (master/slave) or Profibus (DP/MPI master) interface with an optional SmartWire-DT master device also available. The compact PLC with WEB/remote server features an RS232 and/or RS485 interface depending on the communication interface variant. The following variants are available on request: XC-152-E3-11 SmartWire-DT, RS232; XC-152-E6-11 SmartWire-DT, CAN, RS485; XC-152-E8-11 SmartWire-DT, DP, RS485; XC-152-D6-11 CAN, RS485, RS232 and XC-152-D8-11 DP, RS485, RS232.
The XC152 PLC offers users from the modular machine building sector with standard automation solutions benefits such as high performance (with the CoDeSys-based xSoft-Codesys-2 programming system 2, programmable as a PLC in accordance with IEC61131-3), compact design (100mm x 155mm x 40mm HxBxT) and a wide range of communication options.
With the SmartWire-DT option, the I/O level is integrated directly into the switching devices enabling the PLC to access the digital and analogue data directly from the control circuit device right through to the circuit-breaker. Gateways and I/O level are no longer needed allowing the creation of flexible, streamlined automation solutions with fewer components and little engineering outlay. Eaton calls this concept Lean Automation. As an alternative to a combined HMI/PLC, cost efficient modular solutions today use a high-performance PLC like the XC152 together with an external HMI. This solution is future proof as any application extensions and/or modifications can be implemented more easily and more flexibly. The Ethernet terminal allows direct access, visualisation and data transparency – for which users can use either the WEB visualisation on the XC152 or the remote server. Thanks to the platform concept, successful solutions and existing know-how can always be recycled several times over.